Request to Post a Flyer on Bulletin Board

To whom it may concern,

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Keith Golden, the founder of ALS Our organization, recently launched, is passionately dedicated to making a profound difference in the lives of ALS caregivers and patients. Our foremost goal is to ensure every donation directly reaches those most in need.

I kindly request permission to post a flyer detailing our mission on the bulletin board in your office. By sharing this information with your community, we aim to raise awareness and garner more support for our noble cause. With your assistance in this initiative, we can amplify our outreach, impacting the lives of countless ALS caregivers and patients.

Your support can be instrumental in our mission to bring tangible, positive change to the ALS community.

Enclosed, you’ll find our detailed flyer. We would greatly appreciate it if you consider allowing us to share our mission through your office space. I am available to provide any additional information or answer any questions you might have.

Thank you for considering our request. Your assistance can make a world of difference.

Warm regards,

Keith Golden
Founder, ALS
