Facts about ALS nonprofits

Did you know that money given to the ALS organizations does not always filter down to the people who have ALS.

Did you know that the money donated for research does not ensure that people with ALS get medicine, even after a breakthrough discovery.

Did you know that money donated to non-profit organizations pays their million-dollar overhead first.

Did you know that the ALS Society does not accept donated wheelchairs over 5 years old, shower benches, and other medical equipment.

Did you know that people with ALS living in Canada do not have access to the newly discovered medicines, unless they have lots of money or you’re within 18 months of diagnosis.

“Hi Keith,

It’s so nice to hear from you and I hope you are keeping well.

In order to qualify for Albrioza, your symptoms must have started within the last 18 months.  According to our notes, your symptoms started sometime during the summer of 2019, so sadly, you will not be able to access this medication.

Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.”